Thursday, June 25, 2009

hello blogosphere!

It's a statement of fact when i say that I'm the worst blogger ever. the little friends that read my blog probably gave up on this page and are just relying on my facebook for updates. haha feeler as if anyone would be interested in my boring life haha! anyway..whether it's facebook, multiply, friendster, myspace, twitter, or plurk...nothing beats blogspot! hail lengthy entries! hahaha :) i miss blogging and im back!!!! more entries in the coming days!

btw, watched transformers: revenge of the fallen last night with cg!!! super wow movie experience! the best summer movie so far....hehehe super nice treat and in fairness nag p-progress ung movie in terms of the plot department haha!

cg's the best group to watch a movie with! hahaha laugh trip with 'senti' moments on the side cause of lex! hahahahaha comedy! :)

this is me rolling out....*cue transforming sfx*

haha! post movie syndrome..sorry :)

the loooonnngggeeesssstt blog leave...

is finally over.