when i was a kid, a band aid was enough to take the pain away. a cut, wound or burn is healed in an instant. whether i used it for my finger, knee or any part of my body, it eases the hurt and relieves me of pain. so now, can it still do the same for my heart? could heartaches heal or you'll just numb yourself with pain? I say the former takes time... the latter needs a rude awakening.
you can let yourself heal and let the band aid called courage patch it all up.
I'm so sorry, Twin.
I don't know what it is exactly you're feeling hurt about.
But I have felt my own share of indescribable pain recently, too. It is a feeling that shouldn't be pushed away. Lest it resurface and cut even deeper into the most vulnerable parts of ourselves.
You are a strong, smart and beautiful girl. I have no doubt you have deep strength inside of you. Something NO ONE can ever take away.
And if you need someone to talk to, and someone to listen. I'm right here. Call me. or email. Anything.
I need to make up for all the times
We'll always be together.
"I want to make up for all the times..."
That I haven't been there, and have been too far away in my own self to notice you and remember our memories together.
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