No matter how much the world has changed in terms of creative executions, I will always be a fan of labored arts and crafts. The good old cutting, pasting, collaging and wrapping shiznits. Nothing says creativity better.
Last week, Pel went into my room to give me a cute surprise...
personalized bookmark! a cut out of everything about me. all the things i've shared to her - my likes, interests, favorite things and little addictions. she remembered! but the best part are the little details i don't say but she really pays attention to. im deeply, deeply touched :)
"I love you for 1 second...oops! time's up" (hehe. our inside joke)
the things she put together:
carebears - childhood favorite! i try to pass on to her but she can't really relate to :) i hate our age gap!
slice of cake - haha! my love for all things yummy
"gimik 'til dawn" - i don't know where she got that idea... :)
"big sister" - that's what she calls me sometimes..."hello. big sister. watcha doin'?" haha.
john mayer concert - we wanted to see this but I went with hq. I'm sooooorrryyy. wait, is this your way of saying i suck? :)
maid in manhattan - my all-time fave chick-flick. i know she's sick of watching me watch this movie
cinderella - my fave disney fairytale
"sale" - hahahahaha! need i say more?
"mango" and "bayo" - eto pa. i think im revealing too much of my superficial side to my sister. im a bad influence!
"smart girls know how to celebrate success" - yeah, through binge eating! :)
zebra prints - all things ferocious, i love! and she makes sure i have my usual fix of prints. come to think of it she has always supported me with this addiction by giving me ferocious stuff all the time!
smiley face, heart, exclamation point - Her translation: I love you ate Kat, you make me happy! hahaha :)
"simple sweetheart" - oh yes, I am :)
Thank you, Pel. You're the sweetest. I love y...ok, time's up! :)