Sunday, April 24, 2011

Say hello to my new baby!

Finally, I don't have to sulk anymore. I was able to replace my stolen iPod Nano with something better! (Well, for the most part). Just got the iPod Touch 32gb! Yaaaaay! More music. more videos. now, with apps, too! Not that I'm big on games or other applications but it's an awesome addition. Also, you can expect more features and awesomeness. This is the best!!!!

Some flaws though:
NO MUSIC CROSSFADE. Of all the features, I wish they could've stuck with this one. The first time I discovered that, back when I still had the Nano 2nd gen I think, I was in love. How could they skipped on that this time???

SOFTWARE GLITCH. If you have the new iPod Touch, do you experience the weirdness on the upper part of the screen. I don't really know how to describe it or what it's called but I guess those with 4.3 software know what I'm talking about. Thanks to Popach for researching on that. Now, I know it's just the software. Wish they could fix that glitch soon.

NOT TOO TRAVEL-FRIENDLY. Considering that it's touchscreen, it's hard to take it with you on your daily commute especially when skipping songs. As a Nano user, I'm still adjusting to the sensitivity of the iTouch. Before I'd simply slip my fingers in my bag or pocket to change songs, so it's safer and more convenient - no need to take it out. With this one, I have to unlock it, check if I'm pressing the right botton, skip the song and lock it. Whew! But I'll get used to it :)

BUT with all that said, I'M SUPER SUPER HAPPY AND IN LOVE! :)

Say hello to my new love :)

I hope I can take better care of this :)

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